Case Studies

Startup SEO: From Zero to 27,000+ Organic Sessions in 11 Months

Growing organic search traffic for a brand-new startup isn't easy. But it's possible with the right strategy and patience.

A new online education platform for entrepreneurs reached out to us. They had big dreams of dominating search results and getting acquired within 3-5 years.

The challenge? Their website was brand new—no track record. No authority.

We don't usually work with brand-new sites. But we saw huge potential here.

Our goal? Take over as much digital real estate as possible. Build the brand through content and PR.

SEO Framework

We followed our tried-and-true SEO process:

  1. Keyword Research
  2. Technical SEO
  3. On-Page Optimization
  4. Content Creation
  5. Digital PR
  6. Link Building

Each step is critical. Skip one, and the whole campaign suffers.

You can build a ton of links. But if your on-page SEO is weak, you won't rank.

You can create amazing content. But if you target the wrong keywords, no one will find it.

Let's break down each step:

1. Keyword Research

We spent a lot of time on this. We built a huge topical map covering all potential areas.

We started with keywords closest to their core offering. We targeted top, middle, and bottom of funnel keywords with different intents.

Here's how we did it:

a) We used tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush to find initial keyword ideas.

b) We analyzed competitors to see what they were ranking for.

c) We used Google's "People Also Ask" and "Related Searches" for more ideas.

Tip: Don't just look at search volume. Consider search intent. A keyword with 100 searches but high purchase intent can be more valuable than one with 1000 searches but low intent.

We categorized keywords based on the marketing funnel:

Top of Funnel: These are broad, informational queries. They often start with:

  • "What is..."
  • "How to..."
  • "Why do..."
  • "Examples of..."

These keywords target users who are just starting to explore a topic or realize they have a problem.

Middle of Funnel: These keywords show more specific interest. They often include:

  • "Best..."
  • "Top..."
  • "Comparison between..."
  • "Pros and cons of..."

These target users who understand their problem and are exploring solutions.

Bottom of Funnel: These keywords indicate high purchase intent. They often include:

  • "Buy..."
  • "Price of..."
  • "Discount on..."
  • "Reviews of..."

These target users who are ready to make a purchase decision.

Tip: Balance your content across all funnel stages. This creates a smooth journey for users, guiding them from awareness to purchase.

We uncovered even more keyword opportunities as we got more data from Google Search Console.

2. Technical SEO

Our 14-hour audit found 4,457 issues on their site. These included:

  • Orphan pages
  • Broken links
  • Canonical URL issues
  • 404 errors
  • Missing alt text

We fixed these in the first week. A solid technical foundation is crucial. Without it, you're holding your site back.

Tip: Use tools like Screaming Frog or Sitebulb for thorough technical audits. They catch issues you might miss manually.

Here's how we fixed some common issues:

  • Orphan pages: We either added internal links or removed these pages.
  • Broken links: We either updated the links or removed them.
  • Canonical issues: We implemented proper canonical tags to avoid duplicate content.

3. On-Page Optimization

We armed our content team with 250 keywords. They crafted detailed articles based on semantic briefs.

Our writers have backgrounds in journalism, fiction, and research. They cover all angles of each topic.

Here's our on-page SEO checklist:

  • Include target keyword in title tag, H1, and first 100 words
  • Use related keywords throughout the content
  • Optimize meta description
  • Use descriptive alt text for images
  • Implement schema markup where relevant
Tip: Don't stuff keywords. Write for humans first, then optimize for search engines.

4. Content Creation

We set a goal of publishing five new pieces of content each week. Each piece was at least 1,500 words long.

Why so long? Longer content tends to rank better. It gives us more opportunities to cover the topic in-depth and target related keywords.

Here's our content creation process:

  1. Create a detailed brief based on keyword research
  2. Write the first draft focusing on value and readability
  3. Edit for SEO, adding internal links and optimizing for featured snippets
  4. Add custom images and infographics
  5. Publish and promote
Tip: Use the "Skyscraper Technique". Find the best existing content for your target keyword, then create something even better.

5. Digital PR

Getting featured in big publications was a key focus. We wanted to build recognition for the founder and brand.

Our data scientist used government data, Google trends, and a 2,000-person survey. We turned this into compelling stories.

We landed features in:

  • NYPost
  • Hubspot
  • Yahoo Finance
  • Market Business
  • Home Business
  • Best Life

These logos on their site built instant trust. Crucial for a startup gaining traction.

How we approach Digital PR campaigns:

  1. Created data-driven stories relevant to current trends
  2. Crafted compelling pitches tailored to each journalist
  3. Followed up consistently but respectfully
  4. Delivered high-quality assets (images, quotes) to make the journalist's job easier
Tip: Build relationships with journalists. Don't just pitch. Offer value, comment on their articles, and become a reliable source.

6. Link Building

We reached out to tech websites that met our strict criteria. We earned links from powerful sites.

We linked directly to key pages. This boosted rankings for important terms.

Our link building process:

  1. Find relevant, high-quality sites using tools like Ahrefs
  2. Heavily vet each website to ensure they will move the needle
  3. Create valuable content they'd want to link to (studies, infographics, tools)
  4. Reach out with personalized emails
  5. Follow up and build relationships
Tip: Quality over quantity. One link from a highly relevant, authoritative site can be worth more than ten low-quality links.

7. Results (After 11 Months)

  • Domain Rating: 0 to 30
  • Referring Domains: 122+
  • Organic Search Sessions: 27,000+

Remember, SEO for new sites takes time. Google needs to build trust in your site.

Established sites can see results faster. We had another client ranking higher in just 2 weeks!

8. Next Steps

We're working to:

  • Improve their digital real estate
  • Take up more space in search results
  • Rank internationally, not just in America
  • Gain a higher company valuation from valuable and reliable organic traffic

The goal? Position them perfectly for acquisition in the coming years.

Tip: SEO is not a "set it and forget it" strategy. Keep refining, keep creating, keep building links. The work never stops, but neither does the growth.

Need More Organic Traffic?

Our all-inclusive SEO services can help generate more search traffic and sales for your website. Book a consultation call with us to see if we'd be a good fit to work together.

Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. But with consistency and the right strategy, even a brand new site can achieve impressive results.

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